
NEIN. (ebook)


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This “witty and droll” collection of philosophical tweets from the popular @NeinQuarterly offers a “perfect antidote to relentless positivity” (Publishers Weekly).   “Rome didn’t burn in a day.” —Nein. A Manifesto   Eric Jarosinski is the self-described “failed intellectual” behind @NeinQuarterly, a “Compendium of Utopian Negation” that uses the aphoristic potential of Twitter to plumb the existential abyss of modern life. In Nein. A Manifesto, Jarosinski collects his finest meditations on modern misery.   Stridently hopeless and charmingly dour, Nein. A Manifesto is an irreverent philosophical investigation into our most—and least—urgent questions. Inspired by the aphorisms of Nietzsche, Karl Kraus, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno, Jarosinski’s short-form style reinvents philosophy for a world doomed to distraction.   Critical thinkers, lovers of language, bibliophiles, manics, and depressives alike will be drawn to this compelling, witty, and often hilarious translation of digital into print, theory into praxis, and tragedy into farce.   [REVIEWS] “I hate Twitter, I think it should be prohibited—but Jarosinski’s Nein. is the only exception, the only reason that justifies it! He is like a radical Norman Bates from Psycho intervening with his tweets which are like fast cuts with a knife!” —Slavoj Žižek   “Witty and droll . . . There are gems on nearly every page. The book might seem tongue-in-cheek, but Jarosinski’s cynical aphorisms about philosophy, art, language, and literature hold plenty of truth. It is the perfect antidote to the relentless positivity of the stereotypical self-help manual.” —Publishers Weekly   “A hilarious manifesto of dystopian epigrams. Nein. is the devil on your shoulder, now on your shelf.” —Ben Schott, author of Schott’s Miscellany and Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition   “Nein. celebrates everything that it negates. It is quietly, joyously bleak. Will you enjoy it? Perhaps better to ask: can you be certain that you’ve ever enjoyed anything?” —MC Frontalot